So, I shamelessly breach my own self impossed blogging restriction.. but tell me who wouldn't, after seeing this.. Thanks Ravibhai, for sending this lovely inspirational pic, and more so for sending an apt samskritam quote with it ....
“A mouse rides on the back of a frog in floodwaters in the northern Indian city, Lucknow June 30, 2006. REUTERS/Pawan Kumar (INDIA)”
from http://news.yahoo.com/photo/
here's the shloka as it is.. din't bother to make any "ITRANS" corrections (Avinasha/FITW/..)
Paropakaaraartham idam shareeram
paropakaaraya sataam vibhootayah
Yate satpurushaah paraartha yhatakaah
swaarthaan parityajya yeheh
interesting. is that a real pic ??
btw, what does the sholka mean ? reply whenever u can...
Looks like Drisya will be Adrisya for a while :) . Actually I don't know if the verse as quoted is correct. I have heard a different version
Paropakaaraartham phalanti vrikshaha |
paropakaaraartham vahanti nadyaha ||
Paropakaaraartham dugdhanti gaavaha |
paropakaaraartham idam shareeram ||
Paropakaaram is para+upakaram = helping others
So the meaning is
"Tress fructify for others
Rivers flow for others
Cows milk for others
This body is to help other"
aruN : the transliteration doesn't make the actual shlOka clear. I think it is better to follow a fixed and standard transliteration scheme.
valli : there could be several shlOkas with common lines. Consider this, for example ( similar to the one you quoted, but perhaps with a more elegant arrangement of words ) :
pibanti nadyaH svayamEva nAmbhaH
svayaM na khAdanti phalAni vRkShAH
nAdanti sasyam khalu vArivAhAH
parOpakArAya satAM vibhUtayaH
There is nothing like one shlOka is correct and another is wrong, as long as they satisfy certain rules of grammar, metre etc. For instance I have heard the shlOka you quoted with "parOpakArArtham" replaced by "parOpakArAya" in the first three lines. That seems more correct, because then the metrical arrangement will be uniform for all the lines : otherwise the sixth syllable will be long ( guru ) for the first three lines and laghu for the fourth lines.
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