Aaam, samskrutEna mama prathama-parichaya vishayE !!
2000 - Disambar maasaM .. ThiruvananthapuraM nagarE ekaM
Thridina GitA yajnaM abhavath . Aham thath samayE IIT ChAthraH !!
kevelaM ShatharoopyakAnI...vidyArthI-panjIkarana mUlyaM
BhojanaM, BhajanaM (BengalI kOpi asthi vA ?!) AvAsaM cha
AhaM thu Mallu kilA.. bahu santhushtaH :-) . gathavAN Eva
Thathra DvidIya Dine, ekaM varghasya mukhya prabhAshanaM - Shri Cha Mu KrishnashastrI dvArA .. nAma shruthvA evam ahaM kincit jignasyu abhavath
parantu saH prabhAshanam Aarambham kruthavAN - thath thu samskrutEna.. Aham ChinthithavAN.. danda-dIpaH eva... vidyalayE samskrutaM na pathithavAnahaM.. samskrutha vishayE kimapi na janami sma . kadhina bhAshA eva ithi mama chinthanaM. GIta thu aangla bhashayAnuvAdana saH evam pathithavAN kilA thathpUrvaM....
ChinthithavAN kincit nidrAM karOmI ithi.. parantu sah yadhA uktavAN, prathama-vAkyaM mayA avagataM.. AascharyAm... DvitIyamapi .. athyAshcharyaM !! Samskrutha GangA dhArA.... Yathra kuthrApi 5-6 vAkyAni mam sirOparE gathaM.. anya sarvaM mama avagathaM.. pUrnaM nA, parantU paryAptha rUpEna eva
prabhashana-anantharaM ahaM gathavAN.. (na na..prAyaH DhAvAmI sma) .. samskrutha bhArathyAH "prakOshthe" .. thathra thu karyakartharAH mahyaM drushtvA parasparaM samskrutEna sambhAshanaM ArambhaM kruthavantaH... PhalithAni UktvA Uchchaihi hasanam kuthavantaH.. Mama purathaH ekaM nUthanaM bhuvanaM eva UthghAdhithaM !!
Thathra,.. ThathsamayE eva "AhamapI samskrutam pathaamI" ithi drudhanishchayaM kruthavAN ahaM.. Mama sarvEshAM GurUnAM prathI mama kruthagnathA --- AmbE saraswathi, Ramachandran MahOdayaH, HarIndran MahOdayaH, Rajesh MahOdayaH, Govinda MahodayaH .... anantharaM mama mitrAnI ..
...... hantha bhAgyam janAnam (nArAyanIyaM)
pashyathu: http://www.speaksanskrit.org/forum
samIchInam asti | parantu kimarthaM shIrshikA (title) evam asti iti mayA na jnAtam | vayaM tu adRushtashAlinaH ye kinchit api samskRutam avagantuM shaknumaH | bhAShAyAH soundaryaM, rasamAdhuryaM cha AsvAdayituM shaknumaH | anyAn cha pAthayAmaH, tAn api samskRutabhAShA jnAnaM yachChAmaH | yathA "samskRutena sambhAshaNam kuru" ityasyAm gitAyAm likhitam asti "...sampibAma , vayaM pAyayAma" samskRutAmRutam |
"jayatu samskRutaM, jayatu manukulaM |"
DhanyavAdaH avinAshaH
as for the title, no particular reason... I just started typing something up, and kept going.. thats all
may be the way u can play around with words amazes me..
samskruthEna - using samskrit !
samskrithe nA - not in samskrit !
remember UshnEna ShanthiH and UshnE na ShanthiH !!
seeing ur comment people are asking me if they need to put comments in samskritam only.. no fellas, anything is okay
Of course, even broken samskritam wud be much more preferred and lovely compared to Oxfford std Ebglish :-)
how wonderful that a single talk could open the doors for you. and now u are unstoppable. Your energy amazes me obviously and now this is added to the list. Keep going arunah.. Aham api samskritam pathaami eva shigiram samskritena blog likhaami..:) Dhanyavadah...
thanks jyo :-)
If u hear Krishna Shastryji, you would not be surprised that it happened to me.. As Indira MahOdayA put it once "You listen to him, your feet cannot stay calm.. you will feel like running out then and there and doing something for samskritam promo"
check the mp3s of his speeched - the links for which are posted on the forum... of course, hearing in person is even better
Sweet, u made a nice li'l sentence with just one 90 min session :-).. will surely look fwd to samskritam posts AND SONGS on ur blog
brhad, brhad :)
so how long did it take you ?
well, did u mean this post, or to learn to speak/write in samskritam ? :-)
I dont understand samskritam (something I do want to rectify) but I think in future such posts should be in Devanagri script!
vilambaH kShamyatAm. EtaM lEkhaM dRShtvA bhAsatE yat gItA-yajn~A-vElAyAm
EtaiH vRttAntaiH bhavati janitaH harShaH yaH AsIt tasya adhunApi ko'pi kShayaH nAsti iti. yataH yAjna-prabhAShaNAdibhyaH anantaram bhavatA yada
EtaH vArtAH mahyam anyEbhyaH mitrEbhyAH varNitAH tadA sphuritam AhlAdam Etasmin lEkhE api aham pashyAmi iva.
"daNDadIpaH" iti shabdaH samyak hAsOddIpakaH AsIt. bhaviShyE api samskRta-lEkhanAni didRkShuH,
both. learning sanskrit and writing this up
Okay, so I have got quite some to respond
1. Shailesh : by next time I will try to learn to use Baraha and have in devanagiri.. but also there are some people who can't read devanagiri but can understand samskritam. By the way, learning to speak in samskritam is fun and doesn't take too long .. if u take an S-B workshop. Also, check
https://learnsanskrit.wordpress.com/ they have it in devanagiri
2. vArtAH - thanks for ur comments.. you should also write blog in samskritam.. or atleast post on the forum.. may be you can start a "daily news in samskritam" on the forum :-))
3. anon :
forum post - it took me about 25% more time that it would have taken me for an english post
samskritam. I did a 10 day (90 min each) workshop about 5 yrs before, attended 4-5 classes of 90 min each in spring 2005 and "organised and satthro' (but did not participate) a sat+sun (6 hrs each) workshop a few months before
by these I could speak and write reasonably well.. but the confidence was boosted when I finally went for the 4 day residential SB camp
but in general I am a complete Samskrita-Bharati (SB) product. never learnt anything "formally"
Some had asked me about the last bit- hantha bhAgyam janAnAm. thats from NArAyanIyaM first shloka .. and thanks AvinashaH for the translation
SAndrAnandAvabhOdAtmakamanupamitham kAladEshAvadibhyAm
nirmuktam nithyamuktam nigamashathasahasrEnha nirbhAsyamAnamaspashtam drustamAthrE punaruru
purushArthAthmakam bhrahmathatvam tthathAvadbhAthi sAkshAd gurupavanapurE
hantha bhAgyam janAnam
sAndra = dense, full of ; Ananda = happiness ; avabodha = (from dictionary) waking, perception, knowledge; Atmakam ; Anupamitam + wihout comparison (upamA = comparison); kAla desha avidibhyAM nirmuktaM, nithyaM uktaM nigama ; shatasahasrena nirbhAsyamAnam = praised I guess from the translation, bhAsyamAnam would be shining, so maybe shining in the 100,000 nigamas would be ok; aspashtaM = unclear; dRushtamAthrE = to the sight?; punaH; uru = broad, spacious (from dict) ; purushArtha AtmakaM brahma tatvaM; tthathAvadbhAthi = tathAvat + bhAti (I think the character mapping might be slightly off here, or it might be a diff thing but I guess this makes sense) tathAvat = that sort ;bhAti = shines/ is seen ; sAkshAt gurupavanapure; hanta = just an exclamation (like oh ) bhAgyam = luck ; janAnAm
tathA cha bhAvArthaH (wikipedia taH):
That is of the form of complete knowledge, happiness, incomparable, beyond time and space, ever unattached, although praised by 100,000 verses in the vedas and still beyond description. This brahman, on seeing which one attains the purpose of life (the four purusharthas of dharma, artha, kama and moksha), is HERE shining, in front of us at Guruvayoor, for humble people to see as their own bagyam (fruit of vows). Indeed a blessing!
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